

FTC Exchange and Money Transfer
Management System

Banking and Finance  /  Maltrans  /  Maltrans Details

MalTrans Features

  • Support Multi-Country-Company-branch/Agency
  • Multi-currency Point of Sale
  • Multi-Currency Accounting
  • Customer Service Management (CSM)
  • Capture of short and full KYC (Know Your Customer) details
  • Tellers & Cash Management.
  • Rule-based Fees and charges module for automatic fee calculation
  • Rule-based regulations validation
  • Screening against major's sanction lists.
  • Profit/loss Calculations
  • Manual/automatic End of Day
    • Multi-language support
    • Reliability
    • Scalability
    • Availability: always-on capabilities
    • Real-time 24x7 processing capability
    • Availability of alternate channels, such as Kiosks.
    • Adequate audit & inspection features
    • Batch Reporting
    • Security: Encryption, auditing changes to data
    • Deploy in Cloud or other Centralized environments.
    • Fully responsive Web Based Java EE

    MalTrans Benefits

    • Increase competitiveness
    • Replace legacy systems
    • Facilitate regulatory compliance
    • Improve information flow in terms of speed and accuracy
    • Create a service-oriented architecture
    • Increase Customer Satisfaction
    • User friendly, Cost Effectiveness Centralized solutions

    Flexible Architecture