

High Standards, Quality Services, Extraordinary Experience and Continuous Enhancements

We are giving the best service for you

1. IT Consulting

Our IT consulting services provide expert guidance and support in the banking sector, helping financial institutions optimize their technology infrastructure, enhance customer experience, and improve operational efficiency. We also offer product consultancy, assisting clients in developing and refining innovative software products to meet market demands effectively.

2. IT Solutions

With a portfolio of over 35 tailor-made products, we offer comprehensive IT solutions that cater to various industry sectors. Our customized software solutions are designed to address specific business needs, streamline processes, and drive growth. From enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems to customer relationship management (CRM) platforms, we have the expertise to deliver reliable and scalable IT solutions.

3. R&D, Web3, and Digital Transformation

We are at the forefront of research and development (R&D) in the IT industry, exploring cutting-edge technologies and trends such as Web3 and digital transformation. Our R&D services help clients leverage emerging technologies, implement blockchain solutions, and navigate the complexities of digital transformation to stay ahead of the competition.

4. Outsourcing

Our outsourcing services provide access to a pool of skilled programmers for organizations seeking external support for their IT projects. With a team of highly skilled professionals, we offer flexible engagement models to match client requirements, delivering quality software development, system integration, and database management services on a project-by-project basis.

At FTC, we are committed to delivering excellence in IT consulting, providing tailor-made solutions, driving innovation through R&D, and offering skilled outsourcing services. Our goal is to empower businesses with the right technology solutions to achieve their objectives and succeed in today's digital landscape.

Customer Engagement Model

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Understanding the current business state in the context of systems, operational and technical capabilities

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Recommending best fit roadmap to the future

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End to End Solution

Based on the best of bread Technology

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The roadmaps to achieve the desired results

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Titanium Support

24x7 Call Center & Support


FTC deploys a range of professional services to automate and streamline IT services. Today, FTC success is largely attributed to its understanding to its markets, by working closely with its customers, advising them to adopt the international standards, while addressing their local requirements

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