

FTC Exchange and Money Transfer
Management System

Banking and Finance  /  Maltrans  /  Maltrans Levels

MalTrans – System Overview

Level 1
  • Web Based
  • Accessibility
  • Advance Teller Management
  • Global Modules

Easily Accessible
Branch Automation
Level 2
  • Benefits

Fully Integratable
Level 3
  • Customer Management

Serve Your Customer
Level 4
  • Robust Infrastructure

27x7 Uptime


Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
  • Web Based
  • Easy to customize
  • Real time online operations
  • Branches
  • Back office
  • Optimize work efficiency
  • Dynamic parametrizations
  • Workflow Engine
  • Management approvals - Maker / Checker
  • Complete line of functionality – Teller
  • Customer Management, Charges & Fees, Accounting & G/L Management, DMS, Remittance Management, Foreign Exchange, Teller and cash Management
  • SADS (System Administrations & Security)
  • SMS & Email Alerts
  • EOD Process.
  • Modern Delivery Channels
  • Open high-performance architecture
  • Information Management System
  • Cost Effectiveness
  • User friendly
  • Customer centric Focus
  • Improved Customer Experience
  • Managing Customer Value
  • Respond to Market Trends
  • Fully featured account options
  • Multi Tier Application
  • Open Platform; Windows, Unix, Linux , J2EE, Oracle, Postgres
  • EOD - 24x7 Availability